• Bakewell Carnival and Well Dressings 2024


    Bakewell Carnival week(s) is here! How nice it is to have so many wonderful events organised for all the family to enjoy! Hopefully your costumes are made, rafts built, pets groomed, barrows and wellies out of the garage / shed and you’re all set to go!

    The events are all listed below in chronological order with dates, times and locations. For further information please pick up a Carnival Week Programme from one of the following stores; Mad4Ink, Pet Shop, Stewarts Of Bakewell or Bakewell Visitor Centre. They are a bargain price of £2.00 and provide you with 60 pages of flamboyant colour, and  all the information you’ll need for this year. It also serves as a celebration of the wonderful creations from last year. One lucky person will win £20 as each programme is individually numbered .

    The Bakewell Carnival Committee would like to thank all the community that come together each year to help organise, run and marshal all the events, along with all those that spend hours crafting works of creative wonderment, whether it be Well Dressings, costumes, rafts or floats for the Carnival,  you truly make it a week to remember.

     Thanks also to all the people that come along and cheer on the contenders and participants of the events, it creates such a wonderful atmosphere of community celebration, it also helps us pay for the Carnival to go ahead with the generous donations that you put into the collection pots each year, we hope you’ve been saving up your bronze and silver coins for this year’s carnival!  

    Final thanks to the Bakewell Carnival Committee Members for giving up their time to organise the events, and overcoming the ever increasing hurdles they are faced with.

    All that remains to be said is that we all wish you a wonderful Carnival week filled with colour, joy and much laughter with family, friends, and friends yet to be made.